Local Links
AWE REPPIR | https://www.awe.co.uk/about-us/our-locations/what-to-do-in-an-emergency-at-an-awe-site/ | | | REPPIR stands for Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Public Information Regulations (REPPIR). Like all nuclear-licensed sites, AWE is subject to these regulations.
West Berkshire Council and AWE have developed a public information booklet that tells you what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency at the AWE Aldermaston or Burghfield sites.
Follow link above to downlaod the booklet
Berkshire Fire and Rescue | www.rbfrs.co.uk/index.asp | | | Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) aims to contribute to securing a safe society by reducing the incidence of death, injury and damage to property from fire and other emergencies. In particuar this site is a source of information on dealing with flooding and its aftermath.
Mortimer Ward Profile (Includes Wokefield) | www.westberks.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=34002&p=0 | | | Wokefield is part of Mortimer Electoral Ward
West Berkshire Council Publishes a series of Ward Profiles which provides some key statistical data for each of the 30 wards which makes up the district.
Follow this link to find downloadable file for MORTIMER
Other Useful Links
Check-a-trade | www.checkatrade.com | | | Checkatrade lists traders and services you can trust. All members are Recommended, Vetted and Monitored. and meet our standards of trading |
Citizens Advice Bureau | www.citizensadvice.org.uk | | | For help and advice on legal issues in England and Wales, or for details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau |
DirectGov - UK Government Portal | www.direct.gov.uk | | | The website portal for the UK Government. |
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People | www.rnid.org.uk | | | The website of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People |
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